

The Sabor of the Republic of Croatia, at a session of 14 February 1992 adopted a




condemning the arrest and murder of Andrija Hebrang


1. After nine centuries of persistent struggle for the survival and regaining of statehood, the Croatian people is realising its centuries-old aspiration to freedom and independence.


2. With the international recognition of the Republic of Croatia, Croatian Sabor deputies, as representatives of the entire Croatian people and of all citizens of Croatia, recall all those Croatian great men and martyrs who dedicated themselves to the realisation of that sacred goal, making the greatest sacrifices.


3. The Croatian Sabor pays special tribute to and thanks all the Croatian husbands and wives who paid for their advocacy of a free, democratic and socially just Croatian state with the loss of freedom and their lives in thousands of rigged trials and various forms of persecution in the communist and detested Yugoslavia.


4. In view of breaking the Croatian people's aspirations to its statehood, the Greater Serbian and Yugo-unitary forces, in waging an anti-Croat policy arrested and brutally murdered a consistent fighter for the Croatian right to a state, Andrija Hebrang, sentencing in rigged political trials two innocents, his wife Olga Hebrang and associate Vladimir Frajtic, to long-term hard labour. The Croatian Sabor with this declaration rejects those anti-Croat persecutions and condemns those who conceived and executed them.


Class: 740-02/92-01/03


Zagreb, 14 February 1992


Sabor President

Zarko Domljan